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dangerous Drugs

The Effects of Prohibited Drugs to Your Health


There are numerous drugs which are prohibited from use under the Drug Prohibition Law. They are associated with certain negative effects on health, morality, and behavior of individuals. Some of them are only allowed for use under license.

However, despite these drugs being prohibited, some individuals are always associated with their use illegally. As a result, individual’s health is placed at risk due to the use of these drugs.

The following include some of the effects of prohibited drugs to your health:

Distorts the Body’s Immune System

Prohibited drugs such as heroin and cocaine affect the immune system of the body. Mostly, they are administered via the blood veins using syringes. After several times of usage, these substances gets concentrated in the blood affecting the functioning of the blood cells especially the white blood cells. This affects the immunity of the body predisposing one to diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia.


Development of Tumor Cells

Drugs such as marijuana, heroin, and cocaine are highly associated with cancer. Marijuana affects the lungs, gut, and the mouth. Heroin and cocaine affect different parts of the body including the belly, skin, liver, and the muscles. This causes the development of abnormal cells known as tumor cells which later breed to cancer.

Alteration of the Circulation

Cocaine, heroin, and marijuana among others are associated with a change in the circulation. After the introduction of these drugs into the blood stream or lymph, the cells and fluids react differently to them.

Mostly, high blood pressure, heart attack, and increased body temperature affect many addicts. This may lead to other dangerous results such as the bursting of the blood vessels, exhaustion of the liver, excessive sweating, diarrhea, and muscles weakness among other effects.

Impairment and Paralysis

Drugs such as opium, heroin, cocaine, and excessive alcohol are highly associated with impairment and paralysis. Some of them cause impairments of body parts such as the heart, liver, muscles, brain, and kidneys among others.

Also, long-term use of substances such as alcohol and heroin is associated with permanent failure of some body parts. This is also known as paralysis. Stroke is the most common effect that is resulted after usage of prohibited drugs such as excessive alcohol.


Effects on Mental Health

The drugs are associated with compromised and impaired judgment. Long term use interferes with brain development and functioning. This proceeds to alter the coordination and cognition of an individual. As a result, one goes insane or contracts other mental problems.


Prohibited drugs have many effects on health. Some of these effects are permanent, and they cannot be reversed. People should be careful not to use some of these drugs unless instructed by a doctor who is licensed to do so.

If you are wondering how you can pass a drug test, check this detox shampoo.